The BIONDI MARMI S.R.L., operating in the field gives beyond a century, boasts a tradition that is handed on of father in son from seven generations.

The competence, the experience and the professionality, derived from the many years dedicate to you with great passion for this job, have determined for the BIONDI MARMI one important position in the field of the marble working, graniti and Etna's lava stone.

All are made of working are capacities finished with the maximum efficiency and quality, elements these that have made of BIONDI MARMI recognized and a wide appreciated company also the foreign country.

Also maintaining the characteristics of an artisan company, than contraddistingue therefore for the quality of its workings, Tradition is taken advantage wise of the most modern technologies for the realization of its works conjugating and Vanguard, succeeding to catch up elevates it to you qualitative standards that today is in a position to offering to you to the own customers.
BIONDI MARMI S.R.L. - C.da Cantera s.n. - 95034 - Bronte (CT) Sicily - ITALY- Tel/ Fax +39 095 691284 -C. Fisc./P.Iva 05330510875